Willowdown Primary


Willowdown Nursery

Welcome to Willowdown Nursery's home page

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Willowdown Nursery opened at the beginning of September 2014. Willowdown (phase two, new build) opened in September 2020, this is where our nursery is positioned. Our aim is to help to develop happy children, successful learners and confident individuals within Bridgwater. 

Our occupancy allows spaces for 48 children. Our structure allows parents/ carers to book their child in on a half hourly basis, depending on your need.

The Nursery opens from 8am until 5pm, catering for children from two years of age until school age. We are open all year round (50 weeks, we close for the Christmas holidays, and bank holidays)

Our children are encouraged to learn to share, work and play with others to become independent by encouraging them to think for themselves. They learn to express their feelings and feel good about themselves to boost self-esteem, confidence and well-being. We assign one staff member to have specific responsibility for your child’s progress and well-being.  We will work together to support your children and your family as a whole to ensure a smooth transition into and experience of Willowdown Nursery. 

We want the children to have the opportunity to develop a love of learning, so that when they move up to their Primary school, they are able to achieve their full potential. The Nursery delivers the 'development matters' to all children, providing a wealth of experiences across all areas of learning, to meet their individual needs.

How to Apply

If you wish to apply for a Nursery place, please download our application form and return it to us via email to the following email address: info@willowdownprimaryschool.org.uk

Nursery Documents

Routine of the day

  • 8am - Nursery opens- Breakfast for those children who are in at 8a.m.
  • 9am - Main funded children arrive (if you need to drop your child in 10 minutes early due to school siblings, please insure that you collect your child early).
  • 9.30am - Grouptime 'Good Morning time'- we talk about 'day's of the week', 'What's the weather like today', and we talk the children through what provision is available to them.
  • 9.45 -11.30am - The garden opens- free flow play/ adult lead activity.
  • 11am - Phonics/ Letters and Sounds Group time.
  • 10am - Snack time.
  • 10.20am - Nappy time.
  • 11.20am - Tidy up time.
  • 11.30am - Story/ singing time.
  • 11.45am - Hand washing time (for those children staying for lunch.
  • 12pm - Home time (for those children accessing 15 hours universal funding), Children come in (accessing universal funding).
  • 12 - 12.45pm - Lunch time.
  • 12.30pm - Check Nappies.
  • 1pm - Group time 'Good Afternoon time'- we talk about days of the week', 'What's the weather like today', and we talk about what provision is available to them.
  • 1.20pm - Garden opens/ free flow play.
  • 2pm - Nappy time.
  • 2.20pm - Tidy the garden.
  • 2.30pm - Singing/ Storytime.
  • 2.45pm - Get ready for home time (for funded universal and extended children).
  • 3pm - Main home time.
  • 3.20pm - Free flow play.
  • 4pm - Tea/ snack time.
  • 5pm - Nursery closes.


Uniform at the Nursery is optional, please click here for our uniform list.