Willowdown Primary


Wraparound Breakfast and After School Club

Welcome to Wraparound!

 Dear Parents & Pupils,

Wraparound after school club runs every day after school from 3:20pm – 6pm in the room next to the school office. Each day we try to get the children engaged with a wide range of games and activities. In the last week we have done some feed back sheets about what the children like and what they would like to try in the coming weeks that they attend Solar Club. Our main aim is trying to get children from all different age groups of the school to come together to get active and have the most enjoyable experience possible. We feel that Wraparound is still a great opportunity to learn, develop and gain new skills.

Breakfast Club starts at 7:30am and runs until 8:40am, when the children are taken to class. Children are given toast, a bagel or cereal. Breakfast club costs £4.

There are three different types of after school club sessions - full, part and late programmes. 

  • The full programme cost £8 per session, and runs from 3.20-6.00pm, which includes light tea & drink.
  •  The part and late programmes cost £5 per session. The part programme runs from 3.20-5.00pm, and the late programme from 4.15 – 6pm.

Parents are asked to come to the door to the right of the school office to collect children. 

Bookings are made via the My Child at School app.

Cancellation Policy

Due to staffing, parents are required to give 24hours notice to cancel a place in Breakfast Club or After School Club. We are unable to make any refunds on the day. Please make the amendment on the My Child at School app.

Late Pick up

Should you be late to pick up your child from After School Club, the school have the right to charge a late pick up fee of £5 for every 10 mins you are late. We appreciated in emergencies sometimes late pick-ups are unavoidable, so parents have the right to appeal this charge with their reasons.