Willowdown Primary


PE and Sport

PE and Sport at Willowdown 2024-2025

At Willowdown, we ensure the high-quality delivery and consistent teaching of PE, as well as increased opportunities for physical activity. It is our aim to provide a variety of opportunities for physical activity through an engaging extra-curricular offer, which include a range of physical activity opportunities throughout the school day. In addition this year, we are going to be providing a range of competitive opportunities that allow pupils to develop their teamwork, leadership and social skills, whilst understanding the importance of how to compete in the right way. 

As part of our PSHE curriculum, pupils learn about the importance of physical and mental health, as well as nutrition and sleep. As a school, we believe that this understanding combined with regular, purposeful physical activity will enable our pupils to become healthy and confident individuals, who will make sensible lifestyle choices and continue to engage in physical activity.