Willowdown Primary


Personal Development


Our vision is that

  • All children have opportunities throughout their time at Willowdown Primary to have rich and varied experiences
  • Regardless of their background, children develop their ‘cultural capital’. Physical and mental well-being are prioritised as much as academic achievements
  • Families are involved, to support all areas of their child’s personal development

At Willowdown Primary,  personal development underpins all aspects of school life as we aim to develop well-rounded pupils who develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally and have opportunities to explore and develop their own values, whilst recognising that those of others may differ.

Our curriculum includes development of pupils’ understanding of religious education, citizenship, equality and diversity, healthy living, British Values, career guidance and preparing our pupils for their next stage. This is taught through timetabled lessons, is threaded throughout the wider curriculum and through personal development themed days. As well as weekly assemblies we have weekly Personal, Social and Health Education lessons. Sex and Relationships Education is included in Healthy Living and is taught in an age-appropriate manner. 

Our Personal Development offer can be found by clicking the link below. This offer is ever developing and we are always seeking new ways to enhance children's learning by wider opportunities inside and outside of school.

Willowdown Personal Development Plan 2023-2024

Opportunities at Willowdown