Willowdown Primary



If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.  If you would like a paper copy of any of the documents free of charge,  then please ask at the School Office.

Our Admissions Arrangements and In Year Application Form

 Starting School for the First Time

If your son or daughter is starting school for the first time then please see the Local Authority Information on how to apply to start school by clicking here.

 In year admissions

For all new admissions mid-way through the academic year the In Year Application form needs to be completed and returned to the school. 

For more information on in year admissions, please click here.

In order to enable us to assist you in your request to join the school, please contact Reception on: 01278 558 758, to arrange to speak with the appropriate member of staff who will be able to guide you through this process.

If you wish to appeal an admission decision made by the school and would like more information including an admission timetable, please click here.

Somerset County Council Applying for a SchoolLinks to school admissions page.